Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Brief Tidbits of Poetry"

Hello everyone!
Here are some poems that I have written!
I hope you like them!
Don't forget to tell people about my blog!

Ode to the Poems that were Actual Poems

There were some poems read by those,
Who thought them fine, yes more than prose,
But I would choose to lose my nose,
Than read that stuff.

For they, the poems hopped a bit,
With gliding feet, so quaintly writ,
But then some lines just wouldn’t fit,
It sounded like prose.

The chaos reigned from line to line,
Enslaving those who read its kind,
And once again, like time to dine,
The poet adds another random phrase that completely throws off the entire metric beat that the reader was on, causing him or her to be greatly frustrated with the writer, sort of like when a pianist is playing your favorite song and they play an F sharp augmented chord with an F natural as the root note instead of a playing a simple C Major chord.

So why they do these crazy things,
That throw the mind off rhythmic wings,
And dethrones nature’s true born kings,
Is simply ‘cause they like the zings
It gives them when their readers cry,
And wish they never learned to fly.

I now remain inside my cave
Until the poets learn to rhyme.

A Response to the Ongoing Complaints of Using Word “You”

Can you keep your head when all about you
Are making songs that might be about you,
But you can’t stand how I rhyme the same word, can you?
I know I can, but how about you?
I am ignorant to the contrary calls by you,
So I continue to torture little old you
By rhyming and rhyming the same word: you,
As my poetic stretcher fastens around you.
Why do I do this to my reader, you?
I don’t want to talk about me, silly, just you.

Why, oh why?

Where is the sun? Why is it not here?
It should have been here hours ago…
Night is still here, choking, suffocating.
I can’t breathe.

Where is the sun?  Where did you put it?
I have waited so long for its golden face,
Rejuvenating, cheerful, warm embrace…
Did you take it?

Night is still here. Make it go away!
The moon, unforgiving, smiles cruelly on me,
And the stars laugh among themselves in a thunderous choir.
Please go away!

Where is the sun? Am I in the wrong?
I have waited and waited for so long.
Is it daylight savings?
Is my clock wrong?..
oh, wait a second…
Thanks for reading!
Also, look for a possible new video release in the near future!

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